The last post by Victor_B is likely to be as close as you are going to get unless you model them yourself. For (almost) modern BDUs the post by scotternjng is good as you're going to get. Hobbyists aren't required to buy new military uniforms like enlisted soldiers are when the brass keeps changing the styles, so the profits for the 3D military uniforms aren't there and so they don't get made.
DAZ-3D - US Military Uniforms And Gear For Women - Poser
Realistic uniforms would be great. Unfortuantely, a lot of military uniforms tend to be designed to make V8 look sexy instead of to be functonal so they tend not to work for me. So far, the best in the store is the WWII uniform.
That's the problem with your original post - in you ask for accurate military wear. The word accurate forces the reader to actually refer to military regulations and military issue based on those regulations. And military garb created for enthusiasts not listed anywhere in those regualtions can't be called accurate. For accurate you need to match your pictures with the currect current written military regs (LOL, if you can keep up with the brass's desire to new styles of garb and actually find the actually written reg that allows it) so the 3D model maker is not chasing down dozens of different individual soldiers and ex-soldiers ideals of what is or is not 'accurate military uniforms'. That question is answered and it's in the written regs.
You need to point to the regs to show that it is accurate military reg uniforms in those pictures, otherwise you may as well be posting pictures out of Victoria's Secret catalogue, that's what I'm saying. Someone that is motivated by the words 'accurate military uniform' needs to have confidence in the pictures you have posted actually being regulation issued military garb and not personal clothing whims, of which people have many.
Renderosity has old style Naval (US, French, & Soviet) clothing as well as other various countries military uniforms if you search. Mostly or all WWII or earlier. Maybe you can combine them and retexture to give you something more analogous than the USA WWII Army fatigues?
I'd go for any historical military uniform. As pointed out above US Military WW2 and modern not badly catered for. Tannenbaum at Renderosity with his German WW2 for M4 sets a good standard. I like 18th century as more colourful and romantic. We have some Napoleonic for M4 again at Renderosity. There are loads of interesting realistic uniforms to choose from but I'm guessing there is not the market.
Now, if you really want to see/hear my credit card cry in earnest, some good male clothing will do that. Yes its probably true that it sells less. Yes its probably true that there is not as much of a creative range in male clothing. Yes, men are rather simple creatures when it comes to what they like to wear. BUT I will tell you this truth: Men have more than one or two pair of jeans in their dresser drawers. They generally have enough t-shirts to outfit a small army and they have multiples of sweaters, sweatshirts, sweatpants, shorts, swimtrunks etc. All ot these things are similar but not the same. T-shirts have various collar styles and sleeve lengths. Then you get into suits and tuxedos, blazers, coats and jackets. Thats just normal everyday clothing. After that it expands out into various genres (fantasy, sci-fi, etc) and there are military uniforms , and period clothing ( regency is rather well represented for both males and females btw). Oh, and lets not forget shoes and boots. While the typical male closet does not include the sheer amount of footwear that a woman's closet may, there can generally be found more than one single pair of athletic shoes, various types of boots including but not limited to combat, western hikers, wellingtons, and various types of workboots. There are so many things that can be created. I have -and will continue to do so- made efforts to learn how to make the things I want for myself but my skill level is just not there and since I cant spend hours a day on it, its going to be a while before it is.
Because frankly, the market for clothing in general is geared towards women. The best thing you can do is when you see a bit of menswear that gets you attention is to buy it, and openly encourage the person that made it to do more.
Allow me to add my own frustration with this issue. I've started making comics with DAZ (so far none are for sale, I'm still trying to perfect my style), but honestly unless you make porn (not that I wouldn't) it is really difficult to get clothing props, especially for men. The worst is trying to make scenes where men and women as part of the same military unit. Eventually some US army uniforms were made for both genders, but try and have some sci-fi space force, or even the "Future Cop" readily available for the females but God forbid they are supposed to have a male colleague!
You'll find even more military uniforms at Renderosity if you don't mind fitting the V4/M4 clothing models to the version of Genesis you're using. Also some of the uniforms are partially modeled as done for video games (aka manual occlusion culling by the modeller).
IMO if someone is not familiar with them, trying to do your own research is the worse way to go about making the outfits. Better to just talk to people who have been in the military and have worn the uniforms or have them critique your 3d work before you finalize it. For example a key feature of an every day service dress uniform are shoulder epaulets, pleated pockets. The Army General Outfit and the Blitz Girl Outfit have those key features. The military dress uniform outfit is not a very good uniform imo because the belt has a painted on appearance on the jacket instead of it cinching the jacket like a belt should and it is much too high. The stripes on the arm are also too high and the hat is too oval and should be more round like the hat in the Army General Outfit product.
I would love to see a modular set for fictional uniforms, with various epaulettes, patches, collar pads and collar styles, different buttoning types (single/double rows etc.), rank insignia (shoulder, collar, sleeve), various leather straps and belts, sidearm holsters (sabre, pistol, etc.), ammo pouches, various head gear types (caps, hats, tropical helmets, helmets with goggles, etc.),
My advice for all users mastering a minimum of kit bashing (in fact mainly fiddling with shaders and materials): "Inspector Uniform" from Oskarsson . It is by no means an ideal product, I especially regret that shirt, tie and jacket are one single block - but it has turned out to be the most suitable product for my personal needs. The choice between the classic hat and the "Képi" in French style makes "Inspector Uniform" pretty versatile! With some work on colors and badges and some cheating with camera angles etc. I have acceptable results in the representation of military- and police officers from European, African and Asian nations. - And - not to misunderstand each other - I am a fanatic when it comes to realism - I can do a lot of research on the internet to find the right color / look for certain national uniforms before switching my PC on to actually make the picture! For the badges I use "Everyday Labels and Signs" from maclean onto which I load original badges copied from the Internet. With some practice, even a Neanderthal user like me can do it.
Seeing as Oskarson in the DAZ Store and Cybertenko & Tannenbaum in the Renderosity store have already demonstrated the talent & interest in making such uniforms ask them directly and be prepared to pay. If you allow them to sell the completed uniforms you commissioned that might help motivate them. Commisions won't be cheap but allowing sale of the products after complete might reduce your costs. They must get a lot of sales as people ask about military uniforms between 1900 - 1960 all the time, but they are also complex to do in good enough quality to earn those sales. They might have interest as the uniforms you show are not too far removed for work they've already modeled & selling. 2ff7e9595c